Erythromycin Powder Erythromycin Powder a combination of vitamins electrolyte and amino-acides for administration to poultry and other and other livestock to aid growth and performance. Erythromycin pwoder os idea for use at times of stress and to combat dehydration. also a valuable and effective aid in recovery from disease.Erythromycin Powder can be used for Broiler, layers,firshes, cattle, sheep and goat. Erythromycin Powder is mixed drinking with water. Generic name:Erythromycin thiocyanate soluble powder Main ingredients: Erythromycin thiocyanate, synergist, biotin. Indications:Mainly for: (1) Chicken: chronic respiratory disease (CRD), influenza, avian cholera, pullorum, E. coli and staphylococcus aureus disease of dorking. (2)Ducks, geese: serositis ( "package of heart and liver" disease) colibacillosis, fowl cholera. (3) Pig: mycoplasmal pneumonia, streptococcus disease, sows postpartum lochia. 1. Erythromycin thiocyanate soluble powderthis product is mainly used for assistant drug of jiang yan kang. For prevention, it can be combined with ju neng er hao according to the conditions. 2. It should not be used for long-term. Apply it to egg-laying poultry carefully. Specifications:100g:5g (5%/55% /227g) Packages:54 barrel/carton